Saturday, December 09, 2006

Dog Day Saturday & CafePress

I want to thank those shopping at for buying some of my gift items at Sheila For Kids and the other shops I have. I try to keep the hawking to a minimum here, but I thought I’d show what’s selling lately. The ladybugs are the best sellers by far and have been from the start. I hope that kindergarten teacher Miss Sue likes the personalized Lady Bug Tote Bag the mom of one of her students bought. And thanks fellow Democrats for your patronage of Yellow Dog Democrat items. And lately I have sold several “Springers Rule! Others merely drool” t-shirts, greeting cards and other items.

Speaking of Springers. Most of the long time readers know about Samantha, my doggie muse who died last February after 13 loyal years. That’s her drawing of course. While I haven’t successfully persuaded my husband that I need another Springer Spaniel in my life, my son Jeff and his wife Natalie have added one to theirs. My granddog Monte will be visiting along with his human mom and pop at Christmas. He’s been going to puppy school and is making some progress. Being a male, though, he is headstrong and “willful” as Jeff likes to phrase it.

Anyway, dear gentle readers, in case you haven’t noticed, I like to make connections and the connection is that in this photo taken during Monte’s last visit you can see the same kind of doggie rope toy that puppy Sam had.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new granddog!!! He is "handsome", and I love the freckles on his nose!

Sheila said...

Janey, he is a cutie. He's got more freckles than Sam had. I guess I'll have to go to Petsmart to get him a Christmas present. Sam always knew when I had bought her a dog toy before I even got it out of the bag. Now, how did she know that the contents were for her?