A few years ago the U.S. pharmacy chain, Walgreen's, had an advertising campaign called "perfect." I will spare you the details but we all long for perfect. I'm glad a drugstore chain thinks it can ease us into perfect.
When we are young girls many of us dream of the white-picket fence surrounding a cute house. Remember the Crosby Stills Nash & Young song, Our House? "With two cats in the yard, Life used to be so hard." We are never even remotely prepared for life's curve balls. We only do the best we can and muster strength and resolve to play the hand we are dealt. That's the reality.
Where is "perfect" when you need it?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Hi all,
I will be taking a hiatus from blogging for a little while but rest assured I haven't run out of things to write about. I'll be visiting as time allows.
My Best,
I will be taking a hiatus from blogging for a little while but rest assured I haven't run out of things to write about. I'll be visiting as time allows.
My Best,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Valentine’s Day Thoughts

Life's a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get. Mrs. Gump
Winston Groom’s Forrest Gump became a beloved book and movie, but Forrest Gump just sort of fell into good fortune. He seemed to be in the right place at the right time.
Mrs. Gump’s wisdom is hard to argue with since we don’t know what will come our way. We can strive to craft the story of our lives with goals and objectives, but there is little security here.
However, there is to me one constant and that is love. Fleeting, lost, puppy, enduring, tumultuous, volatile, lustful, impulsive, friendship, romantic—there are as many kinds of love as a big box of chocolates.
It’s up to us to give and keep love in our lives. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Bob Barker Funds Unique Program for Drury University

Springfield, MO. It was probably one of the most unusual news or “mews” conferences Drury University ever had. You see animal rights activist and former host of “The Price is Right” Bob Barker was in Springfield on Monday to deliver in person his $1 million gift which will fund interdisciplinary classes examining animal rights. The standing-room-only crowd of students and faculty included several dozen dogs and even a few brave cats.
“I’m flattered beyond words for so many of you to be here,” said Barker to the audience who had ventured out in the middle of an ice storm.
The class will explore animal rights through various areas including religion, the environment, criminology, philosophy and biology. Barker said, “My hope is that the model is duplicated across the country.”
Barker, whose sign off for the game show was always, “Don’t forget to have your pets spayed or neutered!” graduated from Drury in 1947 with a degree in economics and started his broadcast career at a local radio station.
And in case you were wondering, my source says the four-legged attendees, some sporting Drury University bandanas, were nearly all very well-behaved.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Price is Right for Drury University

Springfield, MO. Today, former “Price is Right” host and Drury alumnus Bob Barker will present Drury University with $1 million to establish the Bob Barker Endowment Fund for the Study of Animal Rights. “I have established endowment funds at seven of the finest law schools in the U.S. for the study of Animal Rights Law. And now, with this endowment fund at Drury University, I hope to create a model program that other undergraduate schools will enthusiastically emulate,” says Barker.
The initial course at Drury titled “Animal Ethics” will educate students about issues that directly affect the lives of animals. As a multidisciplinary class, the course will be team-taught with professors with expertise from the fields of biology, law, sustainability, psychology, criminology, philosophy, religion and anthropology.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A Sweet Postscript
NOTE: Chris, the British journalist/author whose grandfather, Frank Marhoff, I wrote about after visiting Oakwood Cemetery in Montgomery, Alabama has named his new son Harry Peter Montgomery Hunt. Chris discovered my original post last November and we corresponded and I again wrote about this story.
I am happy to hear of the start of Frank Marhoff's great-grandson Harry's life and that his name will carry a part of his grandfather's story forward. Congrats Chris and family!
I am happy to hear of the start of Frank Marhoff's great-grandson Harry's life and that his name will carry a part of his grandfather's story forward. Congrats Chris and family!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Dogs and Cats Join the Presidential Race

Politics can be ugly. Politics can be exciting. Or fun. Some disenchanted folks are even running dogs and cats for president. That upstart Daisy the Curly Cat has been drafted and I must admit that Daisy is a formidable opponent. Do you remember Morris the Cat ran for president in 1988 and again in 1992? Daisy, may I remind you that Morris did not win?

However, I brought the Monte for President campaign to light last September and want to remind everyone that this dog can hunt. Dear gentle new readers might wonder about my connections to the candidate and what’s Monte’s story. So, to recap, here goes.
Monte’s mother, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, found herself displaced and a long way from home when she was relocated to northern Illinois. Like many other Katrina survivors, Monte’s mom depended on the kindness of strangers until she could get back on her four feet. However, she was pregnant and soon gave birth. But, this new mother could not take care of all of her offspring; and thus, my son and daughter-in-law adopted Monte. You see Monte is my granddog.
Although Monte is an English Springer Spaniel, he is true-blue American through and through. Monte is a graduate of puppy obedience school with post-graduate follow-up training with the instructor. He is generally affable and makes friends easily at the dog park. He would be a great president. Everybody’s friend so to speak.
His positions are several and worth noting: spread out on the kitchen floor ready to clean up any problems with dropped food, curled up on the sofa by the window keeping watch on the borders for possible intrusions from illegal squirrels, resting dutifully with one eye open in his crate when his master and mistress are busy with fiscal matters and running joyfully through the worst of winter’s storms.
He has vowed to accept only small donations. PetSmart, Petco, Petland and some rather big vet pharmaceutical companies have been in touch, but Monte has made it clear, he will entertain no lobbyists nor their fancy offers. In the interest of public disclosure, though, it should be noted that Monte does have a couple of vices: the weight of the world’s problems is sometimes so great that he must arise earlier than normal creatures and this of course necessitates his security detail’s attention. Another potential issue that Monte believes he should disclose is that he has a weakness for belly scratches.
As the Democrats and Republicans winnow down their candidates, Monte’s campaign team is now poised to step forward proudly with a candidate whose all four feet are firmly planted on the canine values of love, loyalty and licks. He’d be happy to have your support for the odds are a lot of fur is going to fly.
Click here to get your own Monte campaign gear.
English Springer Spaniels,
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
The Tide Rolls at National Signing Day

According to rivals.com, my Alma Mater, the University of Alabama, is sitting at the top of the heap for National Signing Day. If you are clueless about what I’m talking about, let me clarify. It’s college football and today is the day top high school players signed letters of intent.
Coach Nick Saban and his recruiting staff snagged several amazing and highly sought after players like Julio Jones from Foley, Alabama. Jones is the nation’s number one receiver.
Roll Tide!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I Vote

My Republican friend Sarge posted about yesterday's piece, and if you are interested in reading a different perspective, check out what he had to say. Sarge and I are blog friends but he did get my dander up when he called the Democratic Party a "total failure." Yes, Democrats have as they say "issues." But to me, it's like the pot calling the kettle black as far as what the Republicans have been up to the last eight years.
Anyway, I'm off to vote.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Top Ten Reasons I'm Voting for Obama

Sorry to bore you international readers and Republicans, but I posted this to my spot on the Springfield News-Leader OzarksLeft and I am putting it up here too. Isn't that the wonderful thing about having a blog? We can spout off whenever we like. Sure you can write a letter to the editor, but this is way easier and broader too.
Over the last several days, Missouri saw several candidates blow through the state. Obama spoke to 21,000 in St. Louis on Saturday night. Bill Clinton was here in Springfield at Central High and 3,000 Springfieldians took in his visit. Mike Huckabee gave a quick airport speech. It's great to be noticed here in the "Show Me" state. Missouri is known as a bellwether state for picking the nominee who goes on to win. I think voters here might have missed it one election though. Polls have it very close between Clinton and Obama and so I can't really predict how we will go. I will say Hillary Clinton once had a huge lead which has eroded thanks in part to our U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill's endorsement of Barack Obama.
At any rate here are the Alabama Kitchen Sink's Top Ten Reasons I'm Voting for Obama:
1. Hillary Clinton inspires and rallies Republicans who want to do everything possible to keep the presidency from her and her co-president.
2. Much of Clinton’s “35 years of experience” comes on the coattails of her husband and experience isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.

3. As a feminist she tears up and says she “has found her voice” only to have her husband become her attack pit bill.
4. She is an icon of the past—one with a boatload of baggage.
5. Mastery of old-school politics needs to give way to a new generation’s leadership.
6. Consensus building involves more than just your friends and interest groups. Obama is reaching out to many.
7. It would be nice not to see the same old tired cast of characters, and Madeline Albright looks like she could use a vacation.
8. Entrepreneurial leadership demands a new approach to accomplishing common goals.

9. New partnerships must be entered into and a resourceful style must overtake the ideas of those who have had their day in the sun (and time in the White House).
10. The Millennial generation and Generation X are excited, interested and motivated toward civic action by Obama who is attracting huge crowds and energy. Heck, even this Baby Boomer is more excited and energized than I have been in years. I am again hopeful that we may finally tackle some of the major problems facing America and actually see that change in action.
These are my reasons. See you at the polls!
Note: New political designs are up on Hail to the Chief, my CafePress shop. I've added a new cartoon yellow dog Democrat design but the old one on the oval sticker is my bestseller. The Obama t-shirt with the JFK quote sold well over the weekend and someone in Washington state bought two kids t-shirts for his children.
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