Thursday, November 08, 2007

Internet Ads

While checking out to see local restaurant reviews, I noticed the banner ad at the top of the page was for Friskies’ cat food by Purina. Not wanting to “unlock a world of sensory delight” I skipped rolling over the ad in favor of reading about human food, which is what I wanted to find out about in the first place. Next I was treated to an ad from Marlo Thomas to “Please help St. Jude save her life,” referring to a young child at the hospital she helps with fundraising.

I think a little bit of targeting is needed here. In my own little blog, I signed up for Google ads and so far it’s been interesting to see what they assign to me. My post about Uncle Jim’s death brought an ad for onshore drilling. One day, I noticed one for stun guns. Still haven’t figured out that one. I guess I’m most happy to see ads for my Alma Mater, the University of Alabama. And those kitchen sinks.


Lorelei said...

The ones I hate are the pop-up kind where you're trying to read an article online and you get this huge advertisement that pops up over top of it on the same page (not like another window you can close). Usually they have a "close" link somewhere on it but when you're trying to read an article it's amazingly annoying to mess with those types of ads!

Sheila said...

I have to agree that those big ones are pretty annoying. I wonder how successful they are?

Rick Rockhill said...

It is funny how they do those, I am always amused.

I left a question/challenge for you on the second post on Friday (after the wine). Curious to see how yours rates!


Jackie said...

I never had luck with Adsense having many inappropriate ads so moved to Adbrite where I can authorise what is shown. They don't have have ads that tie in with my blog but at least I don't get meat and milk ads on my Vegan blog.

Sheila said...

I might have to try that one out since it's not like I'm making money at this. That's not why I write and I signed on as a test. You are right though about deciding who is selected and I wouldn't like it if people or views I don't like were advertised.

Sarge Charlie said...

Hi Sheila, thanks for the comments while we were traveling, it was a wonderful trip. I love seeing new stuff.

Sheila said...

Are you back? I tried to keep up but am afraid I wasn't as good as I'd like. I hope we will be treated to more adventures from the travels.

Marion said...

Sometimes I'm quite startled as to what comes up on the Ads. I think they're quite entertaining at times.

I haven't heard about Adbrite. I will have to check into that...thanks, Jackie!

Anonymous said...

I notice a lot of back=pop up ads these days.
The weirdest is gmail. There are ads along the side. The other day, the word "home" was mentioned in one. On the sidebar was an ad for a house in Tuscany. The worst thing? I can afford it. Shall I leave? Probably so. Maybe I could grow garlic!

Sheila said...

Glad you stopped by Marion.

Polly, that house in Tuscany is probably missing a roof or something important like indoor plumbing. Just kidding. The house in Tuscany that I could afford would definitely have some "issues."