Thursday, September 21, 2006


Creepy new CBS show. There’s a bomb blast. Mushroom cloud. Small Kansas town is thrown into chaos. Wayward son does an emergency tracheotomy on a little girl and drives a school bus full of kids safely back to town. Mayor “Major Dad” gives sappy patriotic speech about how we are all in this together and we’ll fight if we have to. Yada, yada, yada. I might watch it one more time but thinking about a nuclear holocaust is not something I want to do on Wednesday nights. 1983’s Testament with Jane Alexander was the quintessential television show on the topic, and the 1959 movie, On the Beach with Gregory Peck was best serious movie made on the subject.


Anonymous said...

We don't get this show in England. But I must say I'm not into things like that. I always say with any shows like this one about a nuclear holocaust, don't think about it until it happens! There's enough bad things going on in the world!

Sheila said...

I want to be entertained not worried. Some days, I don't even listen to the news. I figure if something important happens, someone will tell me. I don't know if you are familiar with Dr. Andrew Weil, but he recommends taking a news free holiday.

Anonymous said...

No I haven't heard of him Sheila but that does sound like a good idea.

Sheila said...

Dr. Weil is an American health expert, author and guru of sorts. A lot of what he says makes sense to me. A link for him: